Sexual Harassment

According to the impact of pornography in women is betrayed in hundred thousand times and hurting their wife because of porn movies. and it is because of Tartuffe their family will  be broken because of watching porn movies and it is affect on they`re on everyday life on an individual and it is cause of gaining addiction, sensuality and lust it has going in trouble and intriguing they`re family because of porn movies. and because of watching porn it is create of perversion to a person attitude and it is a step for being obsession to some one and to do something bad like rape and crime. and it is a human behavior that affect to your family member.Image result for effect of porn movies

photo from http:/

Avoid watching porn

Based on watching porn brings us bad hobbies in everyday life. Because there are men with a passion for women. Because of this, many men do bad things like women’s rape. Many youths are also influenced of these types of movies.and men often talk about women because of their beauty, but because they can not do that to a woman they are talking about their attention to pornography to reduce the heat of their body.And parents need to focus their children to avoid men’s bad thoughts with women. These young people need to learn that such attitude is bad.

Image result for avoid watching porn to stop bad thinking a woman
A man stop thinking a woman.Photos fom


According to sex makes us feel good and this is the reason why many people likes it. And some people thinking that sex can relieves pain that makes mans sleepy. Many couples addicted to sex because of the condom. They trust the condom because of this prevent early pregnancy and that’s why many teenagers got they first in their young age.
Porn Addiction. Photo from


Man and woman couple help silhouette in mountains
“Trust is the secret weapon”


According to if want to gain your relationship you need to have a courage, you need to fight your wrights. If your partner hurt you tell to the law, and as a man/women you must need to know your wrights because, if don’t know your wrights you always lost. And based to the article that both of you need a present and passion, passion in sex is need to make strong your relationship because you must know what you will do that thing, and you must listen to your partner, you must be comfortable when you both together, even you are bad mood you need to show to here you are okay

Stop Watching Porn.

According to an article  to avoid watching porn movies you should focus on your study and make your self busy, go out with your friends and try to help yourself to stop watching porn movies and always think that watching porn is not good for yourself or to the other people rounds you. There are so many way to stop watching porn movies like reading a good books that not related about pornography, thinking good and positive thoughts, listening a music and many other ways.Those are the simplest way for you to gradually forgot watching porn.



Watching Porn is not healthy for us because when involve on this you can imagine  a something  that  can force you to do something wrong that you didn’t expect.



Guy who always think that Watching Porn is Bad.
Photo from






Side effect of watching porn movies

Based on article watching porn movies has side effects for your daily routine or lifestyle.Pornography addictionbis an addiction of compulsive sexual activity with concurrent use of pornographic materials.Porn addiction occurs whenbthe person watching pornography with or without masturbating loses control or whether or not he/she will engage in that behavior.Porn addiction can lead to sexual dysfunction,withdrawal symptoms and emotional distress.Porn addiction is when the person craving to view porn.Porn addiction can refer to a range of behaviors that are done in excess nf negatively impact one’s life.Porn addiction is depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement.In other words,these demonstrations are meant to cause you to become sexually aroused,rather than evoke a certain emotional response.Pornography is ripping apart our society. Although Christians are sometimes discus tied with the impact and apathetic about the need to control this menace. Pornography is a year business with close ties to organized crime. Pornography involves books, magazines, videos, and devices and has moved from the society into the mainstream through the renting of video cassettes, sales Of so-called “soft-porn” magazines, and the airing of sexually explicit movies on Cable television.

To some, pornography is nothing more than a few pictures of scantily clad Women in seductive poses. But pornography has become much more than just Photographs of nude women. Computer technology is providing child molesters and child pornographers .

Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many take drugs just to cope.

To be able to fight this addiction one must first admit they struggle with pornography. But it is not easy to break it on your own. You must not be afraid to seek out someone you can confide in. Coming back to the religious side, there are many people who are able to help such as a pastor, a youth group leader, etc… Someone you can completely trust, feel safe with and has experience in the area of addiction isn’t going to be surprised.
The human mind is one that relies on certain…

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